Spider on a web
Red strikethrough symbol with spider


Spiders are one of the many pests nobody wants in their home. Spiders nest outside, under the eaves, or in foliage around the house. If you start seeing a few too many webs or come across an eight-legged intruder, give us a call. Woods Pest Solutions will do an onsite inspection to identify the problem and recommend an appropriate treatment for elimination and future control.

Dead cockroach
Red strikethrough symbol with roach


Roaches are the most common insect pest in our area. Most of the roaches you see can be controlled with general household pesticides. However, a German roach infestation is far more difficult to eliminate. If you’re struggling against a roach problem, give us a call.

Pile of brown ants
Red strikethrough symbol with ant


Ants can quickly take over a yard or kitchen. Whether sugar ants are crawling inside your house or fire ants are preventing you, your kids or your animals from enjoying the outdoors, call Woods Pest Solutions to identify and eliminate the problem. Check our UltraGuard programs for details about our fire ant monitoring service.

Black and yellow wasp on a nest
Red strikethrough symbol with wasp


Wasps are invasive and aggressive. They build their nest in areas where they won't be disturbed by weather conditions or predators. Woods Pest Solutions deploys the latest products and techniques to destroy wasps, their nests and larvae, repelling any newcomers and making your house a wasp-free zone.

Flea on skin
Red strikethrough symbol with flea


Not just a problem for the dog, flea infestations require expert treatment. We’ll find the source of the fleas, inside or outside. Our treatments are safe and effective so you can go back to living and working flea-free.

Brown and black scorpion
Red strikethrough symbol with scorpion


Scorpions are not as aggressive as they appear – they usually only sting when approached. But that doesn’t mean they’re not potentially dangerous, nor do you want them in your house or yard. Woods Pest Solutions takes a perimeter approach to scorpions: keep them far away so you don’t have to worry about a surprise encounter in your home.

Mouse on rocks with food in mouth
Red strikethrough symbol with rodents


Mice and rats can carry disease, ruin food, damage baseboards and provoke pets or livestock. Solving your rodent problem starts with a call to Woods Pest Solutions. We’ll identify the rodent, find their point of entry and set about eliminating the ones that are there and blocking the next generation from coming in.

Protect your home or business from unwelcome pests.

Give us a call, we have solutions!